Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm NOT square!

Is (a + b) ² = a ² + b ² ??

Explain that (a + b) ² = a ² + 2ab + b ² with the help of the diagram below:


Anonymous said...

(a + b) ² = a ² + b ² is wrong because 2ab is not there to make the equation complete

(a + b) ² = a ² + 2ab + b ²

The square on the top left hand corner is axa=a ²

The 2 small rectangle is equal to

The big rectangle is equal to
bxb= b ²

If you join up a ² ,2ab and b ²
it will form a ² + 2ab + b ²
which is directly equal to
(a + b) ²

Anonymous said...

No it is not a² + b²
take the top left portion as A the top right portion as B the bottom left portion as C and the bottom right portion as D
the whole area=a²+ab+ab+b²=a² + 2ab + b²

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Splendid! As clearly illustrated in the diagram, the 4 areas give a total area of a²+2ab+b².

So next time u forgot the expansion, u can draw up a similar diagram to help u derive the answer.

Anonymous said...

whew.......hate those boxes..
its kinda troublesome,so i'll just
remember the formula..


i could remember these well..
so ... Good Luck guys =D